NAMAH Journal
Moving Forward
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Namah Journal

Moving Forward

The current pandemic has upset the world clock, making many things topsy-turvy. Yet rather than getting depressed, we can use this as an opportunity to reset the clock of our life that was running overtime, driven by various kinds of ambitions into endless gyres of desire. We can turn this moment, as indeed each such moment, into an opportunity for progress.

If we look deep enough we shall see that any crisis comes with a double face. Its most obvious and apparent front is a threat to our existence, a challenge to our thought and our way of life. The first response, the immediate and instinctive one, is to shrink back into our littleness, to somehow safeguard ourselves. But if, instead of shrinking back with fear, we take on the challenge of life which has come in the garb of the challenge of death, we can try to rebuild ourselves, make ourselves stronger than fate, greater than our fate.

In other words we can look upon everything as an evolutionary challenge. A moment when we can either succumb desperately, holding on to our past ways or else as a moment of new life, a rebirth, in which we simply change and go past the wall that stands in front of us.

This is the choice that awaits us as we stand on the threshold of the New Age opening before man. The question is not, when will the pandemic cease, but rather, when shall we grow up and become fearless and free in the face of death? The question is, not so much what this virus is, but rather what is this ambiguous shadow that we call Death, whose sombre eyes our present material science cannot penetrate but a deeper science, the science of the Spirit, can?

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