NAMAH is a pioneer, peer-reviewed, internationally indexed body, mind and spirit journal with an integral vision looking at the influence of the spirit or soul in psychology and health.Growth
Conscious individuality
Becoming a conscious individual entails dismantling every one of our false constructions and opening to the Truth inside to govern our entire being. It is about being an authentic human being and embarking on this process is essential to our growth, health and well-being. The author shares his experiences. Read more...
Namaskar: Union
Palms joined, hands folded, opened, as to reveal the concealed. So are the Words and everything in this earthly life and living found to reveal, in a Moment of Inspiration, as a Movement of Grace. To arrive at a truth of a Construction it seems a de-construction, and not a destruction of the same is essential, without which the immense concealed in the Construction we cannot redeem. Separation, though superficial, is essential for the joy and the Truth of Ultimate Union and Unity: as repeatedly we are reminded and assured of. Always, what is hiding and hidden is much more than the revealed, beckoning us to find and be healed. Such has it been with the Word, Namaskar, its reflection, its call. Read more...
The Body
Substance of our Body Heals
This is an experiential sharing of how we could place our awareness within our body and explore its depth. We draw insights from Mother’s Agenda that describes her work with the cells, as they opened to the Divine Lord above and started to hold something materially within, which is part of all our future bodies. Read more...
Consciousness and health
Sādhanā Through Human Love
Individualisation in Integral Yoga Psychology
This article is a broad overview of individualisation at the causal and instrumental level, from the perspective of Integral Yoga Psychology. What is the process of individualisation according to Integral Yoga Psychology? How does it differ from scientific and conventional psychological perspectives? What is the relationship between the evolving soul and the instrumental layers of the mental, vital, and physical nature? These are the topics explored in this article. Read more...