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Namah Journal


NAMAH is a pioneer, peer-reviewed, internationally indexed body, mind and spirit journal with an integral vision looking at the influence of the spirit or soul in psychology and health.

Music therapy

Musical Notes and Emotions

Dr. Riccardo Misto


The article analyses the formal and therapeutic aspects of the musical scales used in the practice of Nāda Yoga as a fundamental means to transform emotional energy blocks which, on a psychosomatic basis, are considered one of the main causes of physical, physiological and psychological problems. On the base of the monodic modal, the musical system used in Indian classical music, it is possible to assign a precise emotional value to each of the notes that make up an octave. This makes it possible to safely and objectively apply the singing practice of sound patterns to any subject, regardless of nationality, culture and personal experiences. Two cases are reported with details of this therapeutic practice. Read more...


What the Soul Sees, It Knows

The Mother

9 — What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows;
the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.

This amounts to saying that all knowledge which is not the result of the soul’s vision or experience is without true value.

But the question immediately arises — it was, in fact, put to me — “How do we know what the soul sees?” Read more...

The Mind

Expanding the Mind

Dr. Soumitra Basu

The embodied mind, which has a separative view of the universe, is actually an individualised formation of the universal mind which itself is a multi-layered plane of consciousness. The individual mind is not, as mistakenly considered, the brain but it needs the brain for its expression. There are however several gradations of consciousness beyond and above the level of the mind-brain interaction. Read more...

Inner approach to health

Embrace Your Loneliness

James Anderson

We are never really alone. The sense of isolation is only an illusion. To address this malaise, our human love needs to translate into a love that exists just for the sake of loving. To be conscious of the Divine Presence is the only panacea. Aspiration is essential. The author describes a simple practice to help make this shift. Read more...


The Third Method of Research in Psychology

Manoj Pavithran


Research in psychology, these days, are predominantly following the objective scientific method and its underlying worldview of materialism. While this method has its place, the very method limits the scope of our understanding and the perspectives we can get through it. On the other hand, there are other methods of research, particularly Vedic, that are hardly known or used these days, methods that rely on higher-order cognitive faculties. This paper is an attempt to discern between three different methods of research to show the need for understanding and using the Vedic or Yogic method of research in psychology that can give us a method appropriate for the domain of research. Read more...