NAMAH is a pioneer, peer-reviewed, internationally indexed body, mind and spirit journal with an integral vision looking at the influence of the spirit or soul in psychology and health.Consciousness and health
Sādhanā Through Human Love
Individualisation in Integral Yoga Psychology
This article is a broad overview of individualisation at the causal and instrumental level, from the perspective of Integral Yoga Psychology. What is the process of individualisation according to Integral Yoga Psychology? How does it differ from scientific and conventional psychological perspectives? What is the relationship between the evolving soul and the instrumental layers of the mental, vital, and physical nature? These are the topics explored in this article. Read more...
Facing the Hostile Forces
The hostile forces are a reality of everyday life. They are lurking everywhere and get invited by some chink in our nature. They rush in and drag us down whenever they find resonance. They love to infiltrate the growing soul. It requires sincerity and a strong will to rid ourselves of them. We need to watch our own impurities and immediately catch and expel them if they ever gain access inside. Constant realignment shields us from them. In Integral Yoga, the ultimate protection lies in the Mother’s loving arms. Read more...
Sri Aurobindo’s Comments on Western Psychology
It is interesting to note Sri Aurobindo’s observations on the emerging Western psychology. But the human being is a transitional being and subject to continuous change. Western psychology studies this change in social, cultural, environmental, genetic and technological terms. In Sri Aurobindo’s cosmology, this change is an evolutionary one in consciousness, as the individual traverses supra-rational cognitive matrices, heralding the emergence of a consciousness based psychology. Read more...
The Hour of God
There are moments when the Spirit moves among men and the breath of the Lord is abroad upon the waters of our being; there are others when it retires and men are left to act in the strength or the weakness of their own egoism. The first are periods when even a little effort produces great results and changes destiny; the second are spaces of time when much labour goes to the making of a little result. It is true that the latter may prepare the former, may be the little smoke of sacrifice going up to heaven which calls down the rain of God’s bounty. Read more...